The Best Ways To Look Great In Pink During 2013

Once considering one of the softest and most feminine co-lours in the spectrum, pink has developed into something a little bit more than that these days, and is set to continue its transformation during 2013. While still one of the favorite colors among all women, it’s finding itself thrust more and more onto the alternative scene, with some stunning results.

So the question remains, how is it best to wear this ever-developing colour? The first recommendation you will come across is to wear it in combination with a non-traditional floral design. To do this is a big risk which can backfire, however if you can pull it off you are going to be one of the very few people who can. Pink floral dresses have the potential to look like your grandmothers Sunday dress or a sexy, flattering and very feminine style – how will your look turn out?

Add Some Pink To Your Footwear

No matter what you’re wearing on top, if you’ve got a bit of stunning colour on your feet you’re sure to be noticed this year. Pink is developing in to a colour which can be used all over your body, no matter whether that’s as a dress or on your feet, and there are some stunning pink high heels on the market which prove just why the color has made itself at home in all walks of fashion.

Whether you are at the height of the fashion world or are just starting out, you’ll know that accessorizing correctly is one of the most important things you can do to give yourself the best chance of pulling off the most brilliant possible look. Alongside footwear, bags and purses in pink have the ability to give your style a real lift without being too overpowering, so you’ll definitely want to take a look at the great selection on offer.

Taking Pink To The Next Level

No more than it deserves, pink has made its way on to the fashion scene in more ways than one. Beyond the typical clothing and accessories, pink coloured hair is now amongst the most popular sellers across a number of brands including Manic Panic, La Riche Directions and Stargazer to name but three. If you are considering adding pink to your style, there is no hiding from the fact that pink hair dye gives you a totally unique and eye-catching look which will make even the most laid back friends green with envy.

One thing seems for certain: pink is here to stay in the fashion world, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down its rapid development to the top of the cosmetic colour spectrum either. Perhaps the message to us should be embrace it, or fall behind fashion trends forever.

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Laura Watson has been a dye-hard colouring fanatic since she was 15, and currently sports a great shade of pink colour.

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